Friday, October 13, 2006

WOW...Am I the Only Person Who Didn't Know?

Blog Addiction Treatment

I mean I least the basics. I knew there were literally hundreds of thousands of blogs that had never been touched by human hands, their only purpose was to serve their masters and plenty of G-G Ads.

But an entire blog dedicated to a single keyword phrase thats not even used or worth much? The implication is that if it's worth it to put up this P.O.S. while taking advantage of high paying "drug rehab" terms like, well...Drug Rehab, think of how many million of these fake alcohol and addiction sites there must be!

A little math tells me that if I'm in the fake addiction website business, and have software that will do the posting for me, I'm rich within a year. I don't need trafic! I need more blogs! A couple hundred blogs about alcoholism, addiction, recovery and drug treatment that average just 2-3 bucks a day and I'm livin' large in Baja!

Yeah, well..maybe you could.

I couldn't.

It would be like living off of littering. Sober.

And what sort of stand-up, rightous, hundred percent addict could do that???

Lethal Drug Combo Killed Son Of Anna Nicole Smith

Lethal Drug Combo Killed Son Of Anna Nicole Smith

This story got more press than the "war" in Iraq for almost 3 full days.

man, are we f***ed up or what?