Thursday, July 14, 2005

Am I Addicted?

Am I Addicted?

For many of us who are recovering from substance abuse and alcoholism, our abuse of either illicit or prescribed medications and/or alcohol began recreationally. It could have started as the result of peer pressure or idle curiosity or some deep-seeded need to escape painful childhood experiences.

Then somewhere along the way something changed and we crossed over into an area where we lost control and spent the remainder of our active addiction "chasing" that illusive glow or level of euphoria. Little did we know that the feeling would forever elude us, or that we would fall deeper and deeper into despair and what we now see as "incomprehensible demoralization." We would stop at nothing. Family, friends, and everything we once held dear eventually meant less and less.

If you, even on occasion, have wondered if you may have a substance abuse problem, we ask you to consider the fact that rarely do people who do not have a problem wonder if they do. One consolation we offer to you is that there is hope not only for today, but for tomorrow as well. Welcome to our online community. You are in the right place.

Promises Treatment Network

Featured Drug and Alcohol Residential Treatment Centers

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